Physical thoughts and considerations
You only get one body
and it will not love you if you are unkind to it.
For us jewellers it is a HUGELY ignored subject. It is not largely taught in textbooks, university programmes, trade schools etc. Your body is the only tool you need the most and you can’t buy a new one. So maintaining its strength, flexibility and agility is perhaps the most important thing you can do in your career as a hobbyist or a master goldsmith. Ask any jeweller over 55 they will tell you thier neck, back or shoulders are not great. And that is just a few obvious problems.
Listen to your body and check in often. Do a running checklist while in a totally relaxed pose either lying down or sitting comfortably. How are your toes? Ankles? Feet? Shins? Knees? Legs? Hips? Lower Back? Neck? Hands? Arms? Eyes? Now use that information to really take a few moments to think ….”What can I do to help myself?” So where to start? The best place to start is evaluating your entire waking day. Do you mostly sit in your waking hours? Can you organize your day around more movement? Set up your workspace or office so you have to get out of your chair more often. There are many ways to move more which is cruical for circulation and better back and neck health. If you make jewellery at home is your working height right? Is your chair a good fit for your body? Do you cross your legs while sitting? Is your lighting good? All these are basics but this is really important to work on so you do not have longer term problems.
On of the biggest issues is posture. We have talked alot about this in class. STOP crossing your legs, hunching over a bench without lowering your chair, or holding work without more support. The “pinch of death” is not needed please use a clamp, pliers or vice.
Warm ups are usually skipped arent they? I know you know this. I try to remind students to do a few basics before sitting down to stone set, chase or spend alot of time sawpiercing. Here are reminders…
Finger warm ups - arms out in front at shoulder height flicking yucky stuff off fingers into space do this for a full 60 seconds or more.
Wrist warm ups- can of soup or beans or similar with over hand grip / forearm supported on table/ lower wrist slowly and lift up level with forearm. Repeat x10
Shoulder rolls - roll forward and backward in reps of 10. The more the better.
Back stretch- lean forward bend from waist and grap elbows and hang. Breathe for a good 10 deep breaths and repeat.
Hips stretch - arms by sides lower one hand against thigh towards knee. You can do this sitting too.
There are many more to try. EYE YOGA is very good too. Look it up.
Consider committing to a massage or physio session once every 4-6 weeks. Yes it is costly but not being able to work is very expensive in every way.